Thursday, 12 November 2015

UK startup Panaseer raises $2.25 million to bring cyber security intelligence to the board

UK cyber security software company Panaseer has raised $2.25 million through a syndicated seed investment round. Panaseer was founded in 2014 by a team of cyber security experts from BAE Systems. Interestingly, its aim is to bring cyber security intelligence to the board, not just the security teams. It addresses the question: “How secure are we?”, the question that should be on every board member’s lips but is very difficult for anyone to answer. If they can really do that, using their big data and visualisation platform, and make the insight relevant to senior level decision makers, then they will certainly succeed. Panaseer was selected to accompany the Prime Minister to Washington DC earlier this year as part of a cyber-security delegation and has since gone on to sign its first New York based Financial Services client.
For further cyber security deals and innovations see Security TechWatch.

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

UK government and industry launch £6.5m CyberInvest scheme to fund research into cyber security

The UK government, in collaboration with industry, has launched a scheme called 'CyberInvest' to fund research into cyber security. To date, 18 companies have signed up to the scheme and have committed £6.5m over the next five years. This includes BT, which is investing £500,000 into the scheme. Other companies that have made their involvement public include Northrop Grumman, Crossword Cybersecurity, Nexor and Becrypt.

Microsoft Goes For Another Israeli Cyber Security Firm - Secure Islands

Israel has a thriving security startup industry, and Microsoft just announced an agreement to buy Secure Islands, its third Israeli security firm in a year.
The acquisition follows Microsoft’s purchase of hybrid cloud security startup Aorato for $200M last year and Adallom for around $300 million in September.